The International Scientific Committee (ISC):
- The ISC is consituted by 10 members (Guidelines from 2021):
- The President,
- The Former President,
- The last three and the future two ISMEC Congress Chairs of Organizing Committees (or by another representative suggested by Chairs),
- Three members appointed by President and agreed by the other ISC members. In case of double eligibility conditions, an additional member taken from past congresses (in order of edition) will be appointed.
- No more than one member per group/university, excluding Presidents, can be admitted in ISC.
- The admission of other members in ISC must be requested and voted by the majority of ISC members.
- ISC plans, supervises and give addresses to all ISMEC Group activities, including those of other Scientific Committees (SCs) of events and initiatives.
- All decisions taken must be approved by the majority of ISC members.
The President:
- The President is elected every three years by all ISMEC Group members, who participated in at least two editions of ISMEC Congresses in last five years.
- People interested in taking part to election must send to their intention to vote at least two months before election days, indicating the past congresses in which she/he attended.
- Votes will be expressed electronically (through dedicated platforms) not later than one week before ISMEC Congress.
- Potential candidates for President must express their intent to ISC (International Scientific Committee) at least one month before election days.
- President and ISC will be in charge of elections organization.
- President appoints a Vice President who will replace her/him in case of impossibility to work.